Photographer Case Study: Misty Schuler Photography

I have another photography case study for you today: the amazingly creative Misty Schuler! 

Misty is a student of all THREE of our courses, and it’s just incredible how quickly she has gone from complete novice to creative genius! I’m so delighted to have her here, because she is an absolutely amazing photographer who has totally rocked her own unique style and path.

I started doing these case studies to show you the different journeys people take to get to where they are, and to shed some light on the ways you can grow your photography skills too! If you want to read more photography journeys, there's links to more at the bottom of this post. Hope you enjoy them.......Audrey x


One more thing before I hand you over to Misty. If you are interested in learning how to edit, then I have a FREE Lightroom Classic Masterclass that I think you’ll find incredibly valuable! We go over the editing steps you need to complete, along with some editing tips and tricks you probably won’t find anywhere else. Click on the image below to sign up!

Can you tell us a little about yourself, and why you wanted to learn Photography?

My name is Misty (Martin) Schuler, and I have loved the art of photography for many years! I have a background in Medical Assisting and Appraisal Service Management. I only became a Stay at Home Mom in 2013 when I had my first son.

When I am not chasing around my two boys, or photographing others, I photograph them for an Instagram shop they model for. I come from a family with many photographer’s. My uncle is a hobbyist, I have a cousin who has been in the business for over 20 years and my only brother, Michael, whom was two years older than me adored photography! He started taking courses at like 13. I would watch him excel and produce so many beautiful images. It wasn’t until he passed in 1996 that I started to really be intrigued in the Art. I knew that I wanted to carry on his legacy.

When did you start to learn photography, and what did you try first? 

I initially always just grabbed my phone to capture all of those little moments. My boys first steps, potty training, writing, playing, whatever it was I wanted to capture every second! I found myself gathering thousands of images on Facebook or saving them to zip drives. I never really printed any or did anything with them.

I remember the day I found out about Instagram modelling from a friend in Arizona. She told me everything I needed to know to get started. At first, I would just place the clothes on them and use my S5 phone the best I could to get the results I needed. After about 6 months of that I KNEW i wanted a DSLR. I waited until Tax Return time and my husband allowed me to purchase A Canon Rebel T5i along with a Canon 50 mm 1.8 lens. 

Over time I grew in the craft…. I would watch You Tube Tutorials, read articles as well as practice endlessly! I was able to move out of Auto mode and into Aperture Priority. I stayed there for the next 5 years. Unfortunately, I still was not producing the images I had hoped for. I was very discouraged. I would more times than not get picked to model for a shop because of low quality images. I knew that as time went on I would have to invest in education to perfect my art, and get those images I had dreamed of. 

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When and why did you decide to enroll in Auto To Awesome, Launch Into Lightroom and Photoshop Fundamentals? 

I was actually scrolling Pinterest one day in early 2019, when I ran across the Auto To Awesome course by Audrey and Live Snap Love. After much research and deliberation, I decided to take the plunge! I purchased her Auto to Awesome course and Launch into Lightroom at the same time. Oh my goodness! What a journey I set myself on!

Her courses are very amateur friendly, and I found myself digging and trying for more!!  Being home with two little boys does not leave much time for Mom to sit and actually learn. There were several days I did not watch a video, but there were also weeks I would blow through 2 modules. The courses are designed for Mother’s just like me, so that I may go at my own speed. (Once you purchase the courses they are yours to keep forever!)

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To this day, I still go back to the notes and videos to guide me when I may have forgotten how to do something. Those first two courses ALL on their own allowed me to move from Aperture Priority to Manual Mode. Was it easy? Absolutely not! There are days that I still have bad sessions. Sometimes I do not choose the best lighted environment, or my kids have meltdowns. After I completed the two courses I was confident! I knew that I could manoeuvre my camera the way I always hoped.  I knew that I could do basic editing in Lightroom.

But my ever changing style still was not satisfied - I wanted to learn Photoshop! I wanted to have that WOW factor to my images. I knew that if anyone could teach it, it was Audrey!. I then purchased her Photoshop Fundamentals course.

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I always knew that I was artistic. I wanted my images to be next level! I wanted to stand apart from other photographers because I live in a rural area. 

Learning Photoshop not only makes me different, but it appeased my ever changing style and personality. My two boys are models on Instagram, and I need to keep and create that edgy vibe. We model clothes from a fantastic shop called The Wild Bambino. This is a Mama made shop in California. She up-cycles rock, television and trendy clothes for Kids! Check her out! 

After taking all 3 courses from Audrey I can honestly say to anyone who truly wants to learn photography….. TAKE THE LEAP! I have taken many online courses and not one compares to these. Audrey takes her time and she gives a step by step plan that anyone can understand. 


Did you see a progression from each course to the next? 

I took Auto to Awesome and Launch into Lightroom at the same time, and they worked really well together and went hand in hand. Before the courses I had no previous experience with editing other than Snapseed or other apps on my phone.

When I enrolled in the courses I decided to get the Adobe Photography plan for $10.99 a month. This gave me access to Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC, Photoshop and other apps.

I was just like every other person who starts editing…. I thought that I needed Presets and filters to make my images look good. I spent way too much money on Filters that never suited any image i worked on. Learning Lightroom in entirety is the ONLY way to get your images to look the way YOU want them to!

If you do the work and truly want to learn then you will see great results without throwing a bunch of money away. If you invest just a small portion in these courses, you will be taught to edit ALL by yourself. Once I finished with the Photoshop course I knew that I had the power to create beautiful images and with a style all my own. I still have days when I open up module videos if I forget how to edit in Photoshop. 

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What Gear do you shoot with? Do you have a favorite lens? 

Do not let anyone tell you that you need an expensive lens to produce great results! I am living proof that you DO NOT! I have shot with a cropped frame Canon Rebel t5i for almost 7 years! I only have my 50 mm 1.8 lens. Having the education and skill will allow you to open up that brand new world of photography so you can achieve great results with any lens you have!

Be true to yourself, and DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep shooting, keep practicing - on those days that seem the hardest….. jus keep going and it will come!

In the coming year of 2020, I will finally be upgrading to a full frame camera and adding a few great lenses to my bag. I will be adding the 50 mm 1.2L series to my bag and also the 135 mm. 

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How would you define your photography style? 

I have a soft spot for Portrait and Street Photography. I enjoy shooting Seniors, Children and families.  I hope to only grow in the future and be all i was meant to be. I hope that I make my Brother proud with every shot I take. I just recently this year decided to take all I have learned to a more professional level. I decided to make a business out of it all. I took the necessary steps and I now have a website and business page on Social media. I can not be more excited! 

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How do you get inspired and stay creative? 

My style of editing is always changing! I think that is why I love Photoshop so much. I can create images that I have in my mind with no limitations. I may choose to do an all natural edit, or I can really let go and make Composite style images.

I pull strength and insight from other Photographers and friends. I often take different editing courses to stay on trend. I take courses on posing and I also refresh myself every other week by going back through modules in all 3 courses by Audrey.

If I feel like I am in a rut some days then I put the camera down, I walk away for a day or two and I come back with a brand new eye. It’s all about finding YOUR Jam. What do you want to photograph? What editing style do you like? Do what makes you happy. 

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Is there any advice you received or read that stuck with you? 

From the moment I began working with my friend, Amber Willson, who owns and operates The Wild Bambino, she has uplifted me in ways I never thought possible. I have always doubted myself, and I often doubt my abilities. I see others work and think to myself…. Wow, I wish I could edit like that, or I wish I had a better camera. She always makes me feel like every image I take for her is special and she is blown away by my talent. She is actually the one who convinced me to try to take this to a professional level. She is the wind beneath my wings so to speak. Sure, I get frustrated because not EVERY shoot goes as planned. She always brings me back to reality and gives me the assurance I need to KEEP GOING. She said, “ Misty, remember that you cannot build an empire overnight.” That has stuck with me! Every time I think I want to give up, I can hear those words in my head. 

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Do you have any advice that you would like to pass along to other Photographer’s? 

I know that in the beginning it’s always hard to choose what you need to do and whom to take advice from. I am here to tell you that Auto to Awesome , Launch into Lightroom and The Magic of Photoshop have changed my life!

If you truly want to become a photographer and be able to capture the world around you then you must educate yourself. Remember that you do NOT need the best equipment, a studio, lights, props or anything else.

Everyone starts somewhere. If I can learn all of this in a year, then you can too!  I can now capture the world just as I had hoped! Thank you Audrey!

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What’s next on your photography journey? 

I am officially starting my little business next year. I will just be a part time shooter as I am still home with my youngest son. I hope to make precious memories with friends, and also make new friends along the way. Whatever happens I know that I have all the tools I need to succeed. 

I dedicate my business to my late brother, Michael B. Martin II, who lit the fire in my soul. 

Keep snapping , Friends!! 



Don’t forget to sign up for your FREE masterclass, “3 Editing Secrets to Help Your Photos Pop Like the Pros!” whilst it’s still available! Go here to learn more and reserve your seat!