Is it worth taking a photography course?

We have all thought it when learning photography….is it worth taking a photography course? Will it make any difference? Can’t I just learn everything online for free?

It’s such a great question, and one that I can’t believe I haven’t covered this on the blog up until now!

Having gone from taking the worse photography course imaginable, to trying to learn it myself for free (for several years) to now having taken more photography courses than you can shake a stick at, I have my fair share of experience on the subject 😁

(Plus of course, I have since created my OWN photography course so I also have the benefit of seeing this from the other side too, along with the experiences of hundreds of students!)

So, today we are going to dive into four reasons why a photography course just might be worth it for you, so you can decide once and for all whether to take the plunge or not!

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7 Easy Tricks for Dramatically Improving Your Photos

Raise your hand if you could do with some easy tricks for getting better photos?!

I know that when you are just starting out - heck, even after you have been shooting for a while - you'd like to know what you should concentrate on first, and what areas will give you the most "bang for your buck" in terms of time vs result. 

So that's what I've aimed to do today: give you 7 different tricks that will dramatically improve your photos. Many of these are simple to implement, and even the ones that take a bit longer are SO worth learning about, that I couldn't NOT include them!

As with most of my posts, it ain't short, so grab a coffee, and get stuck in....

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What's the best lens for newborn photography?

We love a bit of lens talk here on the blog, so today we are going to be answering this question: what's the best lens for newborn photography?

If you are just getting started with newborn photography, you might be wondering what lenses you need to get started, and which you can do without! Let's face it, lenses aren't cheap, so knowing exactly what you need - and what you can do without - will help make sure you get the best images possible, without spending your life savings 😛

in this post we are going to cover: WHICH types of lenses you should have, and most importantly, how to choose the best newborn photography lens for YOU!

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How to Mirror the Background in Photoshop

Learning how to mirror the background in Photoshop is a great way to quickly and easily remove large distractions from an image, and otherwise tidy up the frame and make a neater image. And the best news? It's super quick and easy to do! It's definitely waaay easier than cloning or patching out distractions, so it's another great trick to  have in your editing back pocket.

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5 Photography Composition Tips for More Interesting Photos

Even the most technically perfect image can seem a little "meh" if it doesn't have an interesting composition.  Composition is simply how we can arrange the various elements in the scene to make an image more visually appealing, and the good news is, it can be simple to get right - its' just a case of knowing what to do and then remembering to do it! 

In this post, I'm going to give you 5 photography composition "rules" that you can use to get more interesting images that will make your photos stand out from the crowd! 

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9 Photography Ideas for Beginners

Stuck at knowing what to photograph? Then these 9 photography ideas for beginners will give you some inspiration, AND help improve your photography skills at the same time! #winwin

I know when you are new to photography it can be challenging knowing what to photograph, or understand some of the different ways you can photograph the same thing.  That's why I've pulled together this list of 9 photography ideas for beginners that I think are easy enough for those just starting out to do, but that will also still challenge you to take better photographs! 

You certainly don't have to do ALL of these, so just take a scroll down the list and choose the few that interest you, or those that you haven't already tackled.  You might also want to bookmark this page for later, or better yet, pin it to your photography boards on Pinterest so you can find it again when you need it!

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5 Simple Tips for Sharp Photos

In our free Facebook community, there is one question that comes up time and time again - how to get sharp photos. 

Getting tack sharp focus can be challenging for ALL levels of photographers, but when you are just starting out, it can sometimes feel downright impossible, not to mention frustrating! 

So here are my five dead simple tips that you can put into practice TODAY that can help you get sharper photos...

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Are you ready to start a photography business? Here's how to know.

Do you go back and forth in your head, thinking to yourself: "Am I actually ready to start my own photography business? When can I start charging for my skills?"

Then you are not alone!

This "When can I charge" question is one I get asked a lot, so that's why today I'm going to walk you through some of the things I personally think you should have in hand before you start your own photography business.  My goal is to help you start to think strategically about whether you are ready - and if you aren't, what you can do about it - rather than relying simply on how long you have been photographing or some other arbitrary figure.  

That's because there is no hard and fast length of time you need to be shooting for before you start charging. It could be six months, it could a year, or even five. Everyone learns at a different pace, puts in a different amount of time and effort, and has different levels of confidence about taking on paid clients.

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Understand Aspect Ratios For Better Images!

Ever find yourself with an image that you thought was just perfectly composed, but then when you got your order back from the print shop, it came back with half a head or a hand chopped off?  Or (less dramatically!) just doesn't look the way you thought it would? 

If that has happened to you, it's most likely it will be because of your Aspect Ratio. 

Not sure what that is and why it's important?

Then keep on reading, as in this post you are going to learn: 

  • What aspect ratio is 

  • What aspect ratio your camera camera shoots in by default

  • Why you can lose part of your image (even when you go up in size) 

  • How you can minimise the impact of aspect ratio on your images

  • And how you can get your hands on a little cheat sheet that has all the relevant information for you! 

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3 Simple Tips for Dreamy Background Blur in Photography

One of the questions I get asked a LOT is how to get those soft, dreamy, velvety blurred backgrounds in photography, so that your subject subject seems to pop right off the screen, and the whole image has that wonderful 3 dimensional quality to it. 

So, that's exactly what I'm going to cover today, with 3 simple tips that can help get your background super blurry and dreamy. You can use each tip on it's own to get better background blur, or use them TOGETHER for maximum impact! 

Let's dive right in shall we?

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5 Tips for A Faster Editing Workflow

Time is without a doubt our most precious resource - because no matter how much we might want or need it, we can't fit more than 24 hours into our day!

And I for one don't have time to spend a couple of those precious hours sitting at my computer desk trying to manage, edit, and otherwise keep on top on my images.

So if you feel like you are drowning trying to get everything done, have a quick read of these 5 simple tips that will have you spending less time at your computer desk editing AND creating better images as well. 


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Travel Photography: What Equipment to Pack for Your Vacation!

Every year, I have the same struggle: knowing what photography equipment should I take with me when I'm travelling and on vacation....and which I can afford to leave behind.   

It's a delicate balancing act between wanting to have the PERFECT lens with me for a certain shot, and being able to actually walk around places without kilos of equipment weighing me down. 

So here's my tips for which photography equipment you'll want to pack, and which to leave at home!

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GEARAudrey Ann